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Nisha Ramayya

Nisha Ramayya grew up in Glasgow and is currently based in London. Her collection States of the Body Produced by Love (2019) is published by Ignota Books. Recent publications include ‘A Basket Woven of One’s Own Hair’ in The Hythe; ‘Following Ten Million Dinner Parties’ in Flatness; a ‘Memo on Multiplicity’ in Frieze; and ‘Notes on a Means without End’ in Poetry Review. In Spring 2020, Ramayya was Poet in Residence for the group exhibition ‘Many voices, all of them loved’ at John Hansard Gallery, Southampton. She is a lecturer in Creative Writing at Queen Mary University of London.


Listening to shadows skoosh

Nisha Ramayya

In this response-in-progress to the poetic sequence ‘Now Let’s Take a Listening Walk’, poet Nisha Ramayya asks how writing can sound, relate, melt, and listen.