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Sarah Jackson

Sarah Jackson is an award-winning writer working at the intersections of creative and critical practice. An Associate Professor at Nottingham Trent University, she is Director of the Critical Poetics Research Group, an AHRC Leadership Fellow, BBC New Generation Thinker and NTU Vice-Chancellor’s Outstanding Researcher. Her publications include Pelt (Bloodaxe 2012; winner of the Seamus Heaney Prize), Tactile Poetics: Touch and Contemporary Writing (Edinburgh University Press, 2015), and Literature and the Telephone: Conversations on Poetics, Politics and Place (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 forthcoming).


Foreword: On Care

Sarah Jackson Linda Kemp

‘What is care?’ asks María Puig de la Bellacasa: ‘Is it an affection? A moral obligation? Work? A burden? A joy? Something we can learn or practice? Something we just do?’ Recent social, political and environmental crises have brought new attention to these questions, and to the ways that we perceive and experience forms…