Bio is a hybrid work that reformulates cancelled text in the context of the World Wide Web. It captures a span of 365 days in which the artist updated the 160-character ‘bio’ section of a profile on Twitter each day. While tweets are regularly captured by corporate data storage centres, this ‘bio’ section remains the only untraceable and non-archived part of Twitter’s superstructure. The open, infinite text of Twitter’s feed becomes a finite text. Immersively created via a proprietary app, Bio ultimately left no record of itself, complicating the normative binaries of on/offline and digital/printed. An experiment in erasure, self-deletion, and visibility in the expansive sphere of the internet, Bio anchors itself to the wider lineage of artists’ cancelled texts, but in the age of new media as ‘soft’ power. Excerpts from the project were included in The Animated Reader: Poetry of ‘Surround Audience’, published as part of the New Museum Triennial. Bio will be published in its entirety by Inventory Press in 2018. Bio is designed by IN-FO.CO, courtesy of Inventory Press.