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Andrew Goffey

Andrew Goffey works at the University of Nottingham where he is
Director of the Centre for Critical Theory. He is the editor with Eric Alliez
of The Guattari Effect, of The Allure of Things (with Roland Faber) and
the co-author, with Matthew Fuller, of Evil Media. He has translated and
edited books by, amongst others, Isabelle Stengers, and is currently
completing projects on the micropolitics of software and on the
ecological thinking of Félix Guattari.


Kathryn Yusoff: Rethinking Geologic Subjectivity in Broken Earths

Kathryn Yusoff Andrew Goffey

As part of Caves, Dwellings & Vibration, Kathryn Yusoff delivered the keynote presentation Rethinking Geologic Subjectivity in Broken Earths moderated by University of Nottingham’s Director of the Centre for Critical Theory Andrew Goffey. Yusoff’s research examines how inhuman and nonorganic materialities have consequences for how we understand issues of environmental change, race and subjectivity.